Thanks to Greg Maxted,  John Heeren, Gordon and  Cody Duffy,  John Scheidhauer and  Chris Irving for all the work that was accomplished on April 21, 2001.  We were greeted with excellent weather for a change. Our main objective was to place a 20' bridge across the creek on the yellow loop. Using conveyor stands donated by Greg Maxted,  we were able to construct another awesome bridge in less than three hours.

Several downed trees were removed and a couple of small bridges replaced.  Also accomplished was the widening of the infamous "tree bridge" over the huge tree on the white trail. It now resembles an Evil Kenevil jump, I think it will now be simple to ride but fun to jump.

We also want to thank Chris Davis for the thankless job of spreading limestone on several of the muddy spots.

Thanks again, MRC

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