

Lakeland, TN

Trail Description: Mostly single track, rolling hills, and short steep climbs. Comprised of 3 separate loops that can be ridden together to make a 3 mile loop. Do not be deceived by this trail’s length, as it can be very physical.

Location: Canada Road, Lakeland, TN

From Interstate 40 and Canada Road go North on Canada approximately 2 miles to "park entrance" on left. Park to the right of the building and access the trail from the main trailhead on the right near the park entrance.

History: This trail system, simply known as the Lakeland trail, is under the care of the city of Lakeland. MRC was given permission to construct trails here in 1996. Almost all the property is used for this trail. There are plans to add more to the trail system soon.

Impression: The Lakeland trail is the most technical of all the trails in the Memphis area. It was designed to make maximum use of a relatively small but great riding area. There is more elevation gain at this trail than one would think was possible here.

There are 3 loops or trails but most ride it as one loop. The Yellow or "front section" is the first that you encounter as you leave the parking area. It’s like a roller coaster ride for the experienced biker or a technical test of skills for the less experienced. This trail section either rises or falls with very little flat ground until you descend what we call Amen Hill, so named because of the church that sits at the top. When you crest the top of this hill and see the church you are compelled to let out a hearty "Amen" regardless of your religious background. Descending Amen Hill builds speed that you carry through the next fast switchback section, which leads to the creek crossing. Expert riders do not slow for this obstacle and clean it with relative ease. Lesser riders should probably consider hiking it. Turn left and a short double track leads to the short and fun Red Trail. Another short double track leads to the Cow Head and Fallen Tree sections. Then you are back out at the levee and a short open climb back to the parking lot. There are several double track sections that can be ridden to add length to the trail. Trail intersection signs are under construction that will help with navigation.

Note: This trail is open to the public. If you ride here please consider other users and those who constructed the trail. Don’t shortcut the trail or wide ride around mud, it only hurts the trail and increases trail maintenance. No motorized traffic is allowed on the trail. If you are interested in helping with trail maintenance please contact MRC by e-mail at either or   


MTBR website review of Lakeland Trail

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